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2024: CelebA is awarded PAMI Mark Everingham Prize

2024: Asian Young Scientist Fellowship

2024: Wildlife Identification is selected as WAIC 2024 Young Researcher Outstanding Paper Award

2024: DGCNN is selected as Second Most Cited Paper in TOG History

2024: Winner of the Waymo Open Dataset Challenge

2023: MIT Technology Review Innovators under 35 Asia Pacific

2023: LaserMix is selected as PREMIA Best Student Paper Award

2023: DGCNN is selected as ICBS 2023 Frontiers of Science Award

2023: OmniObject3D is selected as CVPR 2023 Best Paper Award Candidate

2023: Robo3D is selected as ICLR 2023 SR4AD Workshop Best Paper Award

2022: CoCoOp is selected as Top-100 Most Cited AI Paper in 2022

2022: World’s Top 2% Scientists

2022: Winner of the Computer Vision in the Wild Challenge

2022: WAIC Yunfan Award

2022: Baidu AI Young Scholars in Computer Vision

2021: DGCNN is selected as Most Cited Paper within 5 Years in TOG

2021: DeepFashion is selected as Top-100 Most Cited Paper within 5 Years in CVPR

2021: AI 2000 Most Influential Scholars in Computer Vision

2020: Nanyang Assistant Professorship

2020: CelebA is selected as Top-10 Most Cited Paper Within 5 Years in ICCV

2020: Winner of the Video Virtual Try-on Challenge

2019: OLTR is selected as HKSTP Best Paper Award

2019: Winner of the FAIR Self-Supervision Challenge

2018: Winner of the COCO Detection Challenge

2017: Winner of the DAVIS Video Segmentation Challenge

2017: ICCV Young Researcher Award

Talks [Youtube]

2024 @ ECCV: From High-fidelity 3D Generative Models to Dynamic Embodied Learning

2024 @ CVPR: Multi-Modal Generative AI with Foundation Models

2024 @ CVPR: Vchitect: Efficient and Scalable Video Generation

2024 @ CVPR: 3DTopia: Foundation Ecosystem for 3D Generative Models

2024 @ CVPR: Building Open-World Multi-Modal AI Assistant

2024 @ CVPR: LMMs-Lab: Building Multimodal Intelligence

2024 @ WWW: Building Open-World Multi-Modal AI Assistant

2024 @ VALSE: Vchitect: Building Open Source Foundation System for Video Generation

2024 @ WACV: Multi-Modal Generative AI with Foundation Models

2023 @ ACM MM: Multi-Modal Generative AI with Foundation Models

2023 @ IJCAI: Towards Building Practical AI Assistant

2023 @ USTC: Multi-Modal Generative AI with Foundation Models

2023 @ CVPR: Prompting in Visual Generation

2023 @ CVPR: Towards Building Practical AI Assistant

2023 @ China3DV: Visual AIGC with Foundation Models

2023 @ SCA: AI-Driven Visual Content Generation

2022 @ PRCV: Robust and Data-Efficient 3D Perception

2022 @ ACCV: Human-Centric Visual Generation and Editing

2022 @ ICLR: Rethinking Generalization in Vision Models: Architectures, Modalities, and Beyond

2021 @ M2VIP: 3D Perception from Partial Observations

2021 @ AI Technology Summer School: AI-Synthesized Media and How to Detect Them

2020 @ ACM MM: Sensing, Understanding and Synthesizing Humans in an Open World

2019 @ ICCV: Learning Diverse Human Representation in the Wild

2019 @ VALSE: The Glimpse of Detectron: Dynamic Forwarding and Routing in Modern Detectors

2018 @ Berkeley: Learning Video Parsing, Tracking and Synthesis in the Wild

2017 @ VALSE: Deep Learning Human-centric Representation in the Wild

2016 @ Google: Deep Fashion Understanding

2015 @ CUHK: Formulating Structure for Vision Problems

2014 @ SIGGRAPH Asia: Fast Burst Images Denoising

2013 @ HUST: Pathological Microscopic Image Segmentation (in Chinese)


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